Champagne Elegance KickStart™ Reblooming Iris

Reliable with award-winning performance
Champagne Elegance KickStart™ Reblooming IrisOpens a dialog
Champagne Elegance KickStart™ Reblooming Iris
Champagne Elegance KickStart™ Reblooming Iris Champagne Elegance KickStart™ Reblooming Iris

Champagne Elegance KickStart™ Reblooming Iris

Reliable with award-winning performance
  • New KickStart™ Iris size guarantees first year flowers
In full bloom, this iris looks like a flute of champagne—frothy white standards, and apricot-gold on the falls. It adds a touch of sophistication to the garden, where it's incredibly floriferous, with 7-10 flowers per stem. Each stem grows from a beautiful fan of upright, pale green, sword-like leaves. Since it's a reblooming variety, you can expect the first bloom in late spring or early summer with a possible rebloom in late summer or early fall. It's an excellent performer, a fact that the American Iris Society has recognized twice. Champagne Elegance won their Honorable Mention Award in 1989 and their Award of Merit in 1991.
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