Recurring Delight Reblooming Bearded Iris

Reblooming iris in violet-blue and stormy yellow
Recurring Delight Reblooming Bearded Iris Recurring Delight Reblooming Bearded Iris

Recurring Delight Reblooming Bearded Iris

Reblooming iris in violet-blue and stormy yellow
This iris honors Madame Nelly Tardivier, former director of the Tuileries Garden in Paris, and it wouldn't look out of place in the famous artistic garden. An average of eleven fan-shaped flowers bloom on each plant. The lower petals, or falls, of Nelly Tardivier stand out for their fan-shaped, horizontal form, and glow in a flush of burgundy and magenta. A fuzzy copper-colored "beard" decorates each fall. The upright petals, or standards, are beautifully ruffled and royally purple. Standing nearly three feet in height, and featuring multiple blooms, this iris is alluring in the back of a bed or in a grouping of other tall German bearded irises. Iris germanica Nelly Tardivier'
  • Zone 4-9
  • Height 35 inches
  • Bloom Time Late flowering season (late spring to early summer, re-blooms late summer to early fall
  • Light Requirements Full Sun, Partial Shade
  • Ship As #1 RHIZOME
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