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DelphiniumDelphinium plants feature tall stalks covered with blooms. If rabbits tend to munch on your garden plants, these are a great choice: rabbits typically avoid them.

Botanical Name:


Most Popular Colors: Blue, pink, purple, white.

Blooming Season: Early summer.

Soil Preferences: Choose rich soil with a leveled pH. Too much acidity will stunt the plants, but lime can be added to correct acid soil.

Climate Preferences: Delphiniums will blossom in any temperate climate.

Sun Exposure: Partial shade to full sun.

Landscaping Tips: Because delphinium typically grow taller rather than wider, use them as border plants or at the back of your flower beds.

Planting: Choose rich soil with a leveled pH. Too much acidity will stunt the plants, but lime can be added to correct acid soil. Space delphiniums 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart, and set the crown at or just above the soil level - the stems will rot if buried too deep.


  • Tall varieties may require staking to keep stalks from snapping.
  • Water well as the plants become established.
  • Cut back flower stems after the first bloom of the year to encourage later blooming.
  • Stalks can be cut down after the first frost of the year: aim to snip them to an inch or two above the ground.
  • These perennials also tend to be short lived. It may be necessary every 3-4 years to plant additional plants, or propagate from basal cuttings.

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