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Plant vines a minimum distance of 1 foot from the house to ensure adequate air circulation. After they're planted, cut them back and stake them securely. Lightly firm the soil around the roots and fertilize after new growth appears. Remember that climbing vines need plenty of water and well-drained soil.

BITTERSWEET - This vine does well in poor soils and full sun to shade. Both a male and female plant must be planted for fruiting to occur. Great for fences, rockpiles, or old trees.

BOSTON IVY - This vine requires highly organic soil and a surdy support. A trick structure is ideal, wood siding can be damaged by the invasive tendrils. Prune Boston Ivy in spring.

CLEMATIS - Some varieties of clematis (Niobe, Jackmanii, Ville De Lyon) bloom on current season's growth and should be pruned to about 1 ft. in late winter/early spring to encourage new growth. Other clematis (Belle of Woking, Ramona, Nelly Moser, Multi-Blue, Mrs. Norm Thompson, Henryi, Duchess of Edinburgh) bloom on old wood or old and new wood and should be pruned lightly after they bloom in the spring.

HONEYSUCKLE - This twining vine needs full to partial sun and a sturdy support such as a fence. Prune in spring, removing dead wood or broken vines.

HOPS - Lay root cuttings on their side in a 6-inch trench, covering them with 2 inches of soil. Gradually fill in trench as the vine grows. Keep well watered.

SILVER LACE - Another twining type, this adapts to most conditions. Provide good support and prune in spring.

TRUMPET - Place in full sun and secure to a support. This vine can take 3-7 years to bloom after planting. Prune vigorously in spring, as it flowers on new growth.

WISTERIA - Wisteria prefers slightly acidic, organic soil and flowers 3-5 years after planting. Provide a sturdy support and trim back aggressive growth during the summer. Regular pruning in spring encourages formation of flower spurs.

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