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White Daisy Mammoth Mum

Vigorous Variety with Exceptional Hardiness
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White Daisy Mammoth Mum White Daisy Mammoth Mum

White Daisy Mammoth Mum

Vigorous Variety with Exceptional Hardiness
Specially bred by the University of Minnesota to withstand severe cold, White Daisy is hardy to zone 3 and exhibits fantastic vigor, too! But this perennial mum is also quite lovely, with 3-4", white daisylike blooms that cover the mounded plant in midsummer. This is the perfect addition to borders or beds, flowering at a time when most perennials have called it quits for the season. You're sure to enjoy seeing your garden come alive with beauty and color again! And White Daisy makes a lovely contrast to the russet tones of fall. Place it along a sunny walkway, near an entryway or in a decorative container that can be moved around the property. They are very hardy and grow to 3½' tall and up to 5' wide by their third year. Plant in well-drained, humus-rich soil for best results.
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